Newborn Feeding Basics

You can do it! Our lactation professionals can help you gain the knowledge and confidence you need to plan and meet your infant feeding goals. We offer a variety of lactation classes to meet you where you are in your infant feeding journey.

Anatomy and physiology of lactation
Human milk composition & production
Let-down reflex
Hand expression
Frequency of feeding
Nipple care
What to do when baby won’t latch
Hunger cues
Collection & Proper storage of human milk
Support and planning
Common challenges and FAQ’s
Human milk composition & production
Let-down reflex
Hand expression
Frequency of feeding
Nipple care
What to do when baby won’t latch
Hunger cues
Collection & Proper storage of human milk
Support and planning
Common challenges and FAQ’s
This 2 hour class will provide information that will build your confidence and empower you to establish a strong foundation for a successful newborn feeding journey. Newborn Feeding Basics is designed to offer a comfortable setting to learn about breastfeeding/chestfeeding and alternative infant feeding methods for both the birthing individual and their support person.
In person and virtual classes available